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I Am Eelco Uytterhoeven


Data modeler

Software developer

Systeem Engineer

Symfony Enthousiast

  • The NetherlandsDalfsen

About me

I am a full stack internet developer specialized in the Symfony framework. I have over 20 years of experience creating internet based solutions as lead developer and over 7 years of experience working on international projects in the field of neurological. You can see several of these project in the portfolio section.





Flexibility, commitment and collaboration are important factors in transforming an idea into a successful product. Don't work for a client, work together to achieve the best results. Eelco Uytterhoeven

What I do

Data modeling

Data modeling is one of the most important things to work on during a project. A good data model is half the work.


Developing interesting projects based on Symfony can be challenging at times, but creating good quality code is very rewarding.

System enginering

Every project has to be hosted on a server. Being able to create a good match between the software and the hosting environment results in a smooth working project and fast response time.


My Resume


  • 1999 – 2002

    Developer InC Multimedia Together with a designer we started a company creating websites in these early days of internet. This company was created so we could earn extra money to supplement our scholarship.

  • 2002 – 2003

    Developer Just Consultancy With this company I started developing in C# with focus on an application created for the real estate industry. Here I worked on several project, one of them being a very early version of an online photo album.

  • 2003 – 2004

    Freelancer During this time I focused on supporting several advertisement agencies and a software company by supplementing them with my experience in online projects. My roles included talking to the end customers, writing project plans, calculating costs and developing the actual products.

  • 2004 – 2006

    Developer and account manager AI Design In this company I was responsible for all ‘new media’ projects, including websites, web shops and interactive CD-ROM’s. My main role was supporting the company’s management when dealing with these kind of projects, writing project plans, making quotes, coaching the junior staff and keep a good working relationship with external developers.

  • 2006 – 2014

    Developer/ Team coordinator Boom regionale uitgevers Working for the department of Innovating Products where I shared responsibility for creating new online products to be added to the existing product range. During this time the company made a transition from purely print products, like news papers, to a digital solutions. The greatest challenge was finding a good revenue model to replace the declining paper subscriptions to good online solutions.

    Within the department I was responsible for coordinating three other developers and creating the software architecture for the online products.

  • 2014 –

    Freelancer As a freelancer I’ve worked on many different kinds of projects, like project websites, Prestashop web shops, API connections, API systems, data modelling and conversion, automatic document generation and server management. In 2017 I started to work with the Symfony framework and I’m using this great framework for almost every project since then. I’ve also worked with Sylius as a web shop platform and with Sulu, an enterprise level CMS. Both are created using the Symfony framework.

  • 2015 –

    IT Advisor Dystonia Europe Dystonia Europe is an European patient organization formally based in Belgium. After I took over several IT related projects of their previous design agency, I was asked to become an IT advisor to the Dystonia Europe board in 2015. In this role I’ve been involved in all IT related projects and we’ve created several project websites, API’s and international platforms. As an European patient organisation most projects are translated to many different languages, for which integration into our projects is one of my roles. As the IT advisor I also maintain contact during project with the stakeholders, such as patients, medical specialists, researchers and professors from all over Europe.


  • 1998 - 2001

    Organisatie & Informatica Hogeschool Windesheim Zwolle Higher professional education teaching a combination between organisation science and computer science. The main goal of this education is to teach people how to form a bridge between and management of an organisation and the software developers or IT department. Because these groups of people have very different ideas, goals and jargon it’s important to translate wishes from management to the developers, and vice versa.

  • 2001 - ∞

    Professional career My real education After learning the basic things at the professional education the real world has taught me many great skills. With every project I set out to learn at least one new thing, thereby continuing improving my knowledge and skills.

Contact me

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Kringsloot-Oost 4, Dalfsen,
The Netherlands